Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hey there!

I'm happy to notify you about an opportunity to visit an exhibition of collage works which we will be putting up in  the main hall of the seminar territory(Sammuli Holiday Village).

This series of visual outputs were put together over the last two years (2009-2010) and as a whole, they're a representation of youths vision of democracy as culture.

The works were made within an international democracy project "MAKING THE DIFFERENCE" where youngsters from Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Portugal and France participated.

I hope you'll take advantage of this opportunity. :-)

See you,


Friday, August 20, 2010

The project in detail.

Our heritage – Culture or subculture?

The idea of the project was motivated by the conflicts between different subculture youth-groups in Estonia, for example emos and punkers, skinheads and folkers. The aim of this project is to bring together young people from Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Rumania and Latvia, starting a communication based on subculture themes among youth, their differences and common features. Every country will prepare and present their understandings of the subcultures on the seminar. Workshops will convey elements of different subcultures.
Seminar and workshops give the participants awareness and common understanding of subculture on youth field, or youth-culture as a subculture.
We use British Council’s Future City Game teambuilding and working method, where the international teams are on very different levels.
In the evenings there will take place intercultural concerts with different music-styles (folk, metal, rock, etc). These evenings support the idea of this project.

Participations in this project is 70 young people under the age 29 and 10 youth workers. 
Project will last four days and take place in south part of Estonia, small place near Viljandi called Sammuli in 26.08 – 29.08.2010. www.sammuli.ee
The participants stay in nice rooms with beds.


14.00 – 19.00 Arrival of participants

19.00 – 20.00 Dinner

20.00 – 22.00 Introduction of the program, ice-breaking games

22.00 – 23.00 Intercultural evening, presentation of participants


08.00 – 09.00 Breakfast

09.00 – 10.00 Ice-breaking games, warming up

11.00 – 12.00 Introduction of the seminar
Acquaint (British Council Future City Game method). We will use the same method working with the topic “Our Heritage - Culture or Subculture” (possibilities for different youth cultures to survive and crow).

12.00 – 13.00 Composing 7 international teams, about 10 members in each.

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

14.30 I Part: Global challenges

15.30 II Part: Local challenges

16.30 III Part: Future sight

17.30 IV Part: Generating the ideas

18.30 V Part: Prioritizing the ideas

19.30 – 20.30 Dinner

20.30 Summary of the day

21.00 Acoustic evening and the concert of different cultures and subcultures


08.00 – 09.00 Breakfast

09.00 Warming up

09.30 Summary of the last day

10.30 Panel discussion with experts and authorities on the last day topic

11.30 VII Part: Preparation for testing the ideas

12.30 VIII Part: Testing

13.30 – 14.30 Lunch

15.00 IX Part: Elaboration of the chosen ideas

16.00 Teams prepare the presentations of their ideas

18.00 – 19.00 Dinner

19.00 X Part: Presenting the ideas to the authorities

21.00 Voting and announcing the best idea, big prize to winners 

21.30 Concert in the same place, different artists and dancers from Estonia, Latvia, Denmark and Finland


08.00 – 09.00 Breakfast

10.00 Warming up

11.00 Summary and evaluation

12.00 Shopping and city tour in Viljandi

…. Leaving

For the presentations, each team can use the laptop, video camera, digital camera and different presentation programs.
The teams are international and there will be 8 youngsters and 2 experts in each team.
More information soon on:
and about the concerts:

All information and questions are welcome to indrek.palu@karksi.ee and my mobile: +37253474996

Projektist lähemalt...

2010 Noored

Meie pärand - Kultuur või Subkultuur

Idee on inspireeritud konfliktidest erinevate subkultuursete noortegruppide vahel, näiteks emod ja punkarid või folkmuusikud ja skinheadid. Projekti eesmärk on tuua kokku noori Taanist, Soomest, Eestist, Rumeeniast ja Lätist, et luua suhtlus, mis põhineb erinevate subkultuuride teemadel noorte hulgas ning nende erinevustel ja sarnasustel.
Iga riik valmistab ette ja esitab seminaril oma arusaama noorte subkultuuridest. Õpitubades on elemente erinevatest subkultuuridest. Seminar ja õpitoad annavad osalejatele teadlikkuse ja ühise arusaama kultuuridest ja subkultuuridest noorte hulgas või siis noortekultuurist kui eraldi subkultuurist.
Me kasutame töötamiseks Briti nõukogu Tulevikulinna mängu meetodit. Õhtuti leiavad aset kultuuridevahelised kontserdid, kus astuvad üles erinevate muusikastiilide esindajad. See ühtlasi toetab antud projekti ideed.

Projektis osalevad 70 noort ja 10 noorsootöötajat. See kestab 4 päeva ja toimub Lõuna-Eestis, Viljandi lähedal, Sammulis (www.sammuli.ee) 26.-29. august.


14.00 – 19.00 Külaliste saabumine

19.00 – 20.00 Õhtusöök

20.00 – 22.00 Programmi tutvustus, tutvumismängud

22.00 – 23.00 Rahvuste õhtu ja osalejate tutvustamine


08.00 – 09.00 Hommikusöök

09.00 – 10.00 Tutvumismängud

11.00 – 12.00 Sissejuhatus seminarile.
Tutvustame  meetodit ja mängulisust

12.00 – 13.00 Meeskondadesse jagamine - 7 10-liikmelist rahvusvahelist võistkonda, 7 värvi.

13.00 – 14.00 Lõuna

14.30 I Osa: Globaalsed väljakutsed

15.30 II Osa: Kohalikud väljakutsed

16.30 III Osa: Tulevikuvaade

17.30 IV Osa: Ideede genereerimine

18.30 V Osa: Ideede prioritiseerimine

19.30 – 20.30 Õhtusöök

20.30 Päeva kokkuvõtted

21.00 Subkultuuriline ja kultuuriline segu ehk paabelipidu. Meie ideed ja praktika


08.00 – 09.00 Hommikusöök

09.00 Soojendusmängud

09.30 Eelmise päeva kokkuvõtted

10.30 Paneeldiskussioon expertidega eelmise päeva teemadel

11.30 VII Osa: Ettevalmistus ideede testimiseks

12.30 VIII Osa:  Testimine

13.30 – 14.30 Lõuna

15.00 IX Osa: Esitletavate ideede viimistlus

16.00 Ettevalmistus idee esitluseks, kasutades erinevaid vahendeid

18.00 – 19.00 Õhtusöök

19.00 X Osa: Võistkondade ideede ja ettekannete esitlused otsustajatele. Kaasame Viljandimaa Omavalitsuste Liidu, Viljandi Maavalitsuse ning kohalikud omavalitsused.

21.00 Hääletamine ja parima idee väljakuulutamine

21.30 Taani, Soome, Läti, Eesti ja Rumeenia partnerite kontsert


08.00 – 09.00 Hommikusöök

10.00 Warming up

11.00 Kokkuvõtted ja tagasiside

12.00 Ringreis Viljandis


Igal võistkonnal on oma ettekannete tegemisteks videokaamera, digifotoaparat, sülearvuti.
Meeskonnad on rahvusvahelised ning igas meeskonnas on suhe 8 osalejat ja 2 eksperti.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I know it's sunny outside, you're still going to recieve this task...:-)

Dear participants of "Youngsters 2010! Our heritage, is it culture or subculture?",

First of all, I welcome you to our new information channel. From here on, we'll be trying to keep you posted with the latest info on how things are going and what's coming up next. So we're hoping that you'll be visiting this page as often as you can. :-)

Secondly, we'd like to give you a task. It's a fairly simple task but might end up to be time consuming. We'd like you to compile a selection of pictures(10~15 pictures) which would associate with your country and with the subject of the seminar. Also, please make sure that their size is at least A4 (210mm × 297mm; 1654 pixels x 2339 pixels) so we could print them and the quality of the outcome wouldn't be disastrous. As soon as you've got the pictures, please send them to Keijo (keits@enk.ee). He'll take it from there.

That'd be all for the moment. If you have any questions you can just leave them in the comments of the posts or e-mail me: erkki@escu.ee.

See you around and good luck with the assignment,
